

Sara Pascoe(Live at The Apollo season10 episode4) ②



 Sara Pascoeのスタンドアップコメディの後半です。








  We don't have a lot of problems. It is early days. The two things we have Me and my boyfriend, we always have a row*1 when I'm getting dressed  because he thinks it takes too long. He doesn't understand that I have to try on all of my trousers  because some of my trousers are liars  and they lie about the shape and size of my legs.


"I have to try on all of my trousers  because some of my trousers are liars  and they lie about the shape and size of my legs"


  And different trousers lie on different days, so I never know who's going to be doing it  and I have to try them all on.  And I don't known who's behind it, if it's NATO or the Illuminati*2,  but they're trying to slow me down. And the other thing,  I don't like leaving him alone on the house  because I'm worried he's having sex with somebody that he thinks is me. Yes.


"And I don't known who's behind it, if it's NATO or the Illuminati,  but they're trying to slow me down."


  My worry is I've got a doppelganger*3,  someone who looks exactly like me, and he's doing it with her.  The reason is, apart from the start where it was passionate,  I don't think that we have enough sex anymore,  but he says that we have plenty. Which makes me think he must be having it  with someone he thinks is me  when I'm not at home. And that's annoying on two levels. Like, number one - he's cheating on*4 me behind my back, and number two - I'm not allowed to have a go at him about it  because he thought it was me. I mean, what if she said she was me? That is the kind of thing I would say. Now  I'm being flippant*5 about something. It's a very serious subject. I hope you've never had this experience,  but if you're the one in the relationship who wants to have sex  more than the other person and you get rejected all the time,  what you end up with is sexual frustration.


"I don't think that we have enough sex anymore,  but he says that we have plenty."
 ここも大きな笑いが起きていますね。彼女はセックスが足りないと感じているのに、彼は十分だと言っている。 普通に考えれば彼が飽きたというだけなんですが、それを彼が自分のドッペルゲンジャー(生霊)とセックスしているからだという、とんでもない仮説を立てています。


  And that, it's just such a horrible thing.It's a vicious*6 cycle, it's game over,  because you can't seduce*7 anybody once you're sexually frustrated,  when you need it most.You can't encourage someone to do it with you by crying with rage. It doesn't change their mind. And I've tried talking about it both on stage and to his mum and  Yeah, for some reason, it's not helping. I can't to my mum about it. My mum's brilliant and I love her and respect her,  but she gives bad advice, especially about sex. My mum was brought up Catholic. She thought that was very oppressive*8, and she tried to liberate*9 me  and my sisters by giving us all of the information, OK?
  Too much information. When I was 11, before I started secondary school,  my mum gave me a lecture about cunnilingus*10. Hmm, in preparation for secondary school. My mum told me what it was and then she said  that whenever I went to bed with a boy,  I was to insist that he do this as a mark of respect. Now, I look back as an adult and I think, "Oh, I can see what my mum was trying to do,  "she obviously wanted to empower*11 me to find my own pleasure." It had the exact opposite effect, it ruins everything.
  There is no way you can enjoy yourself  with a man between your legs if you're thinking  "Hmm, Mum'd be proud." Very similar kind of age,  I still would have been in the first year at school, so about 11. I must have heard somebody using the word twat. I must have picked it up  because, in a row with my mum, I called her a twat*12.


 この辺りから、シモなワードの連発です。女性の性器について、twat, vagina, genitalia、mingeという言葉が使われています。なるほどなるほど。これは大変勉強になる、、、、とは思ってませんが色々な表現があるんですね。


  She was very angry but also calm. And she stopped me. She said, "That is a very ugly word  "but a very beautiful part of the female anatomy*13." And then she drew me a very, very detailed vagina*14  as a demonstration of her point. So obviously what happened was, the next day at school,  I heard somebody calling somebody a twat,  and I marched over and said, "No, actually, it's a very ugly word  "but a very beautiful part of the female anatomy." And I drew them a very, very detailed vagina.
  So, subsequently*15, at school for five years  I was known as a raving*16 lesbian. Of course, we were children.
  We had no idea what a lesbian was,  but it was probably the girl surrounded by self-drawn genitalia*17,  pushing it on people all the time. And I would argue that it is better to be called a twat than Leonardo Da Minge-y.
  Thank you so much for having me. Enjoy the rest of your night.  Bye-bye.


"I would argue that it is better to be called a twat than Leonardo Da Minge-y."
 このコメントは正確に理解できないでいます。まず、Leonardo Da Minge-yですが、精巧な女性器の絵を書いていたことから、有名な画家のLeonardo Da Vinchiと女性の性器のMingeをくっつけた名前だと思います。(女性器の化身を題材にしたアニメのキャラ(Minge-y)もいるようなのですが、そこまで示唆しているかは不明です)
 で、コメントに戻ると、「私はLeonardo Da Minge-yと呼ばれるぐらいなら、twatと呼ばれた方がましだと主張していたわ」とのこと。 これはどう理解したらいいのか。 うんちの絵がうまい人が、葛飾ほ"くそ"い、と呼ばれるなら糞野郎と呼ばれた方がましだと叫ぶ、、、みたいなニュアンスですかね^^;。 訳のわからない凝ったあだ名よりは、シンプルな罵声の方がましだみたい。 






*1:have a row:口げんかをする



*4:cheat on ~:~だまして浮気する












raving:荒れ狂う、(素敵なの意味もある))) and predatory((
