

Russel Peters(Just For Laugh at Montreal 2003)  ①


 今回は、Russel Peters(ラッスル・ピーターズ)のスタンドアップコメディのライブを取り上げたいと思います。Russel Petersですが、インド系のカナダ人のコメディアン。過去に世界で最も収入が多いコメディアンの3位にランクインするほどの人気を誇ったこともある実力者。ただ、世界各国の文化の違いをネタにすることが多くかつ歯に衣着せぬ言動もあり色々と批判されることも少なからずあるようです。この文化の違いネタは個人的にはとても面白いのですが。






 Good to be home man? Canada, just came back from South Africa. I was in the motherland, not my motherland you know black people's motherland. I'm Indian, we have our own motherland, England.  You ever seen the movie gods must be crazy? Oh yeah you see that movie the little African brother running around and he's talking with everyone to it. And I was watching that and I was thinking myself whoever wrote this is brilliant.


"I'm Indian, we have our own motherland, England."


"gods must be crazy"
 The Gods Must Be Crazyは、1980年の南アフリカのコメディ映画。昔ながらの生活をしていたブッシュマンが近代文明に触れるお話しです。


 And then I went to South Africa. That's a real language. I didn't know that they really talked like that. I was in my elevetor in my hotel there and these three african get on the board. They're  having a conversation. All I hear is (南アフリカ人の会話、ha ha ha) And I'm staning like a jackass*1 laughing to myself like they're really talk like this then I almost got into a fight with him cuz I was eating pop rocks and they thought I was swearing at*2.

"I almost got into a fight with him cuz I was eating pop rocks and they thought I was swearing at"
 ポコっという感じの"舌打ち"を言葉で使うアフリカ人の前で、Pop Rocksというパチパチなるお菓子を食べてたら、悪態をついてると勘違いされた、、、ということですね(笑)。

 swearという動詞は、「swear to ~」で「神に誓う」、「swear at ~」の時は「ののしる」で意味が大きく変わるので注意が必要ですね。


 You got to go out there, man get around the world, see stuff. I went to South Africa, you know, what freaked me out*3 is there's Indian people there.  Not one or two. Millions of us, millions of India and they've been there for like seven, eight generations, you know.
 The messed up part*4 is for my people over there they were taken to South Africa as slaves. Who the hell uses an Indian as a slave?  We don't make good slaves. Do I look ready to do hard labor right now? No. we don't do hard work, would give a calculator, we'll do your taxes ,you know it.

 I mean I will you imagine it's horrible. You imagine how upset the first slave owners were. All right Raj here's what you're gonna do.   Get in that field and pick that cotton. No, I can't do that.  This is not good. No. 
Let me tell you what we'll do. You pick the cutton and I will get the T-shirt made and together we can wholesale it.




 Any people all over the world man, you travel around the world that's what you'll find Indian people.
Anywhere in the world man I think in the 1800's that was our biggest export, Indians.  Like we were doing an inventory, like oh my god we have way too*5 many people. We keep it on that boat. You go to Guyana you go to Trinidad you go to East Africa we'll all meet in North America.
 I grew up around a lot of black people. All my friends now all my black friends are older.  They have kids and one of my friends has all daughters and he gave his daughters these ridiculous names.  I goes your daughter's men cuz you have my daughter's man sir Lakeisha Aisha Alopecia Peniche awadhi shaaa what the hell kind of names are those because those are African names like. 
 Those aren't african names, man. You got to hear real African names man. Those are cool names. I was at this Casino in South Africa.  I was playing blackjack and I looked at my dealer and I think they put this guy there just to confuse you when you are gambling.  I swear to god there's an African dude*6 I look at his nametag.  The guy's name was spelt exclamation mark x OBILE and I'm like how the hell do you say that so I thought I'd take a shot*7 right I'm like yeah I could I got another card there uh somebara,,,Obile. see cuz I thought you start big you know cuz the exclamation was at the beginning of the name right like. If it was a question mark I'd be like Obile?
 But it was an exclamation somewhere Obile and he looks at me and it goes "please do not yell in the casino." I'm not yelling man and just trying to say your name. That does not oh you would say my name. I go well how do you say your name? I swear to god man the guy goes my name is pronounced "!xObile" What's a wicked name!! 
He had ! in the beginning of his name. I don't care my first child is gonna get ! in the beginning of his name.


"I swear to god man the guy goes my name is pronounced "!xObile" What's a wicked name!!"




Xhosa (South Africa) Language - video by Brian Ernst - YouTube






*2:swear at:ののしる、悪態をつく

*3:freak ~ out:~をびびらせる

*4:The messed up part:悩ましいパート、混乱させられるパート

*5:way too:~過ぎる、wayは強調で使われている


*7:take a shot:当て推量する