

Sara Pascoe(Live at The Apollo season10 episode4) ①


 こんにちは。今回は、Sara Pascoeさんというロンドン出身のコメンディアンのApolloでのライブを紹介します。

 Sara Pascoe。自分の大好きなコメンディアンの一人です。一言で紹介すると、「知性溢れる妄想&下ネタ女王」。妄想、下ネタだけなら単なる下品もしくは頭がおかしい人なのですが、この人の凄いところは知的な要素がミックスされる点。そのアンバランスが面白、可笑しい。







  Thank you for having me,Hammersmith. I love it.What a beautiful building and what a beautiful place.I live in Lewisham, which is brilliant.Yeah, whoo, Lewisham. If you haven't been there, just go southeast from here until you start getting scared, and then you've arrived. It's brilliant. The reason I moved to Lewisham - I'd never been there.


'Yeah, whoo, Lewisham. If you haven't been there, just go southeast from here until you start getting scared'

 ルイシャムは、ロンドン南東にある地区ですね。インターネットで検索するとロンドン一治安が悪いなどとでてきますが、近くのグリニッジに住んでいたことがある自分の目からはそこまで酷い印象は無かったです。現地の人からも、dangerous?と聞くと、笑いながら、"No, but doggy*1"などと言われました。確かにカリブ系の黒人の方が露店などしており異国情緒溢れるところでした。



  I took the first flat I found on the internet when I was moving in with my boyfriend. I've been with my boyfriend for 11 months, so I'm still in that lovely bit where you cry all the time. And, um We moved in together after two months, so I'm aware it was very quick.


"I'm still in that lovely bit where you cry all the time."

  彼氏と11か月続いていることについて、"皆さんだったら大泣きするような時期ですが私はまだラブラブした!!"みたいな感じでしょうか。 さりげない自慢に、会場からじわじわ笑いが起きるのが印象的です。


  It was very early in our relationship. But I just couldn't bear waking up without him in the morning and he couldn't afford his rent. And, erm So it's romantic. I really wish I could show him to you cos he has the best body shape that a man can have. I don't know if you've ever seen a man like this. He's got very thin arms and legs, very thin, and then, in the middle, a massive belly.

  It's so nice, it's a combination. He's got bad posture*2 and he eats terribly, like all carbohydraty sugary things*3.I tell him all the time how much I love that belly and he thinks it's because I don't want him to get insecure, but it's not, it's cos I'm pretending he's having our child.
I love it. I love to stroke it all the time, and say, "Have another biscuit!" It's so nice. Now, when you're in a new relationship You've all had this experience, it's very exciting for everyone around you.
  So people always ask, "Ooh, how's it going?" And it's such a difficult question to answer. Like, how are you supposed to actually describe the feeling of being in love using language?

  It, er It doesn't come anywhere near the truth. At the beginning, I used to attempt to use analogies*4. So people would say, "Ooh, how's it going? And I would say, "Oh, it's like I've always been a plant but I used to be in a garden centre or a supermarket on a shelf. "and now I'm in the garden." And, um, you can't say that to people. I've learned that. Now what happens is people go, "How's it going?" And I say, "Fine."
   And, erm But then my friend the other day, she said, "Well, you don't seem very happy." And I said, "Yeah, that's cos I'm not with him, I'm here with you." And Apparently, that's very rude. And my friend really told me off*5. She said, "Actually, Sara,
"it's very important that you stay in contact with your friends." "But why? I've got him now." And then she said, "Well, what about if you break up?" "But if we break up, then I'll kill myself, so I still don't need you." And we live in a society that considers any relationship that doesn't last until your death a failure. That's what really concerns me.
At the start with my boyfriend, I realised how happy I was. I started worrying that we would break up one day cos all of my previous relationships have finished and I don't want that to happen. And what I found out is you shouldn't worry about the ending at the beginning, it ruins everything and it's illogical. It's like giving birth to*6 a baby dressed as the grim reaper*7. It's like turning up*8 at a job interview and going, "Oh, what's the point? If you don't sack*9 me, I'll quit."


"what I found out is you shouldn't worry about the ending at the beginning"

 恋愛の始まりに、終わりの心配をするべきではないわ、だって、生まれたばかりの子供に死神の服を着せたり、仕事の面談で「首にしてくれ。さもなければ俺から辞めてやる」なんて言わないでしょ?"  という至極真っ当な意見をとても極端な例を添えて主張しています。


   So I was thinking about other couples. I thought a lot about Adam and Eve, cos they, of course, were the original couple. And sure, at the beginning, it's all magical. It's all staying up late, counting each other's ribs and laughing.


"counting each other's ribs and laughing."



  But, over time, the magic fades. He's boring, she's off talking to wildlife and comfort eating*10. And then their landlord kicks them out, one of their kids kills the other one. And if they can't make it work in Paradise, what chance have I got in Lewisham?


"He's boring, she's off talking to wildlife and comfort eating. And then their landlord kicks them out, one of their kids kills the other one. "




"if they can't make it work in Paradise, what chance have I got in Lewisham?"

 天国ですらこんな状況なのに、ルイシャムでどれだけの可能性があるの? って、完全にルイシャムをディスってます^^;。






*3:carbohydraty sugary things:炭水化物と砂糖のもの、ドーナッツとか


*5:tell ~ off:怒って批判する

*6:give birth to ~:~を産む

*7:grim reaper:老人や、鎌を持った骸骨として擬人化された死

*8:turn up:起きる、生じる


*10:comfort earting:食べて癒される、安心させられる